Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Newest Verson

Version 2.0.1
- redone accent color picker
- added a transparency switch for accent colors
- added a white accent color option
- added a black accent color option
- added a custom wallpaper picker:
The wallpaper picker allows you to choose between 10 of your favorite wallpapers with ease. Just go into the OS7 settings, scroll right and you'll find your selection of wallpapers. To choose between your own wallpapers, go to /var/mobile/Library/OS7/Images/Wallpapers/ and put them in here. The wallpapers have to be named wallpaper1.png, wallpaper2.png, wallpaper3.png... wallpaper10.png to be choosable in the settings.
- added a custom tile background picker:

Just like the wallpaper picker, the custom tile background picker allows you to choose between 10 different backgrounds. They too can be found in the OS7 settings. To choose between your own backgrounds, go to /var/mobile/Library/OS7/Images/Backgrounds/ and put them in here. The tile backgrounds have to be named background1.png, wallpaper2.png, background3.png... background10.png to be choosable in the settings. They should also have a size of 115x115 for non retina devices, 230x230 for retina ones.

- first integrated tile:

Integrated tiles are tiles that offer functionality that cannot be achieved by regular html tiles, are more user-friendly and use less RAM. Those tiles are easily activated by editing the tile's info.plist file.

Integrated tiles in this version:

Live iPod Tile - The live iPod Tile shows the artwork of the song that is currently playing and it comes in three different variants.